

Earthing and Lightning Protection for Religious Structures

Learn why installing earthing and lightning protection systems is critical for protecting religious structures, preserving cultural heritage, and maintaining community safety. Learn about the advantages and need of these systems.

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30 May

Protecting Lives: Prioritizing Lightning Safety with JEF Lightning Protection

As the seasons change and thunderstorms become more frequent, the threat of lightning strikes looms large. In recent weeks, communities worldwide have been socked by devastating lightning-related tragedies, claiming numerous lives and leaving behind a trail of destruction. These events serve as stark reminders of the urgent need for comprehensive lightning protection measures to safeguard both lives and property..

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15 June

What are the Challenges for Electrical System Design and Engineering in Greenfield Projects

Greenfield projects refer to construction projects on land where no previous development has taken place. These projects present unique challenges when it comes to electrical safety. The construction site is often remote and the installation of electrical systems is often complex.

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18 May

Importance of Electrical Safety in Chemical and Pharma Industries

Electrical safety is essential to workplace safety in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. These industries involve complex machinery and equipment, including electrical systems, which, if not handled properly, can lead to dangerous accidents.

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18 May

Measurement, simulation, validation - The 3 key steps of Power System Studies

Power system studies are essential for the development, design, and analysis of electric power systems. They help ensure the safety and reliability of power systems while also minimizing environmental impact. They are used to investigate the behaviour of power systems under normal and abnormal conditions and to identify and quantify the associated risks

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11 April

Ensuring Electrical Safety and Reliability in Renewable Energy Projects: Best Practices and Strategies

Renewable and sustainable energy projects are becoming increasingly important in modern energy systems as countries worldwide strive to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change. These projects, which include wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy, offer a cleaner.

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11 April

Protecting Your Business from Lightning Strikes: The Importance of Lightning Protection Systems

Lightning occurs when huge amounts of static electricity stored in wet clouds are released. The positive charges in the ground attract the negative charges in the wet clouds, and lightning strikes the path of least resistance, such as tall structures.

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11 April

Ensuring Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry

Discover the key safety challenges in the oil and gas industry and learn how to mitigate them. Explore proactive measures, safety management systems, and engineering solutions for safeguarding personnel and equipment.

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21 june

Automated lightning risk assesment and tool

Lightning Risk assessment along with BOQ and tentative design will be available in < 99 seconds of providing the inputs.It is reliable - Data Safety, Password Protected & OTP credentials on the registered mobile number.Easy to review - Unique dashboard available for each user.

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21 june


Faulty electrical outlets and old, outdated equipment are the leading causes of electrical fires. Never use a device with a broken or damaged cable because it can cause a fire by sending heat to flammable surfaces including floors, drapes, and carpets.

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